Astrology of Wednesday, February 19
Heads of household have absorb unexpected, perhaps upsetting news, and now have an increased scope or action. Things that need to happen...

Astrology Workshops This Weekend: February 22 & 23
A Jesuit priest once told me "if there is wisdom in the stars, why not read them?" Indeed, there is a lot of information there, not only...

Astrology of Tuesday, February 18
Families work together more effectively, particularly on jobs around the house. Upsetting news has been received, and inroads are being...

Astrology of Monday, February 17
By now, if you are interested in astrology, you'll know that Mercury is retrograde right now. I won't cover this now, but I have posted...

Astrology of Friday, February 14: Valentine's Day
The family has seen or heard something upsetting and/or unexpected. Actions ensue. They flow easily as a natural consequence of this...

Mercury Retrograde: Don't Go Making Mountains Out of Molehills!
Today, Mercury will lumber about from direct motion and begin an apparent retrograde journey through Pisces. At these times, when...

Amp Up Your Love Life with Feng Shui and Astrology
Tonight, Thursday, February 13, I'm doing a workshop on Amping Up Your Love Life Using Feng Shui and Astrology, 6 - 8 pm, $30, at Mystic...

Astrology of Thursday, February 13
Women and men are dealing with stress differently, and that creates some misunderstanding and some tension. Women see things clearly,...

Astrology of Wednesday, February 12
It is a good day for men to do something new and unexpected. Your partner may find these behaviors a little harder to swallow than they...

Astrology of Tuesday, February 11
Actions are accomplished today, bu there are tensions, emotionally. Messages from those in power or who have authority, either because...