Astrology of Sunday, May 10
Happy Mother's Day! It's a time when many people are looking back at their childhood. Appropriately enough, the Moon is conjunct the south node of past emotional memories. And the Moon is in Capricorn, about a wise, old elder. Didn't Mom and Dad appear as Gods, the Power-That-Be during our childhood?
It will be a week full of backward looks as we will have four planets retrograde by week's end...Pluto is already retrograde, Saturn goes retrograde 5/11; Venus is retrograde on 5/13; and Jupiter goes retrograde 5/15. So, the planets are retreading ground they trod before. Old attitudes will surge to the is that working for you? I wonder if this means things go back to "normal" (as much as it can be normal) and the virus gets very active as planets go direct again. I wonder if reckless attitudes will lead to riskier behavior like not wearing masks, getting together with our people?
Watch what happens and expect that a second hit is coming when planets go direct - Venus,6/25; Jupiter, 9/13; Saturn, 9/29 and Pluto 10/5.