Astrology for Memorial Day Weekend, 2021
Mercury will station retrograde, then go backward (from our earth-based perspective) on Sunday, May 30. It will continue to go backward until June 23. Planetary retrograde motion is particularly strong on the days it stations (stops), before choosing a direction. So Sunday and June 23 will be Mercury Retrograde Deluxe Edition.
Mercury goes retrograde about 3 times each year, so it isn't really rare. Even people who are completely dis-interested in astrology generally, are believers in the retrograde effects. Mostly because, the effects tend to show up! Back when Ma Bell was around, phone company employees asked a lot about when the retrograde would happen. Mercury rules communications (and cell phones, I Pads, computers. communication devices in general) - obviously an issue for Ma Bell. Mercury is considered to be acting in its shadow zone, even when it becomes direct, until it passes the point where it originally went retrograde. In this case, that won't happen until July 7. Consider the shadow zone a mini retrograde period.)
To get through the retrograde successfully, you can put a "re" in front of everything. Rethink. Review. Reconsider. Mercury is treading over ground it went over, so it is time to revisit and re-edit. Things may come to light that were missed the first time round. It isn't a great time to initiate as you may not be in the same place after the retrograde as you were during it. You may not like the new person, new purchase, etc., as much as you thought you did.
For those who crave variety, plenty of astrological events are coming up in June.
June 10 - Solar Eclipse at 19 degrees Gemini
The Eclipse will be conjunct Mercury Retrograde and square (challenging) the planet Neptune. The best use of this energy is a patient spiritual focus -- or delusion can get the upper hand. If you feel confused, you probably are! Mercury Retrograde will conjunct the Sun on this date, so there may be some re-thinking of actions of those in leadership positions. The Solar Eclipse happens on the New Moon - a conjunction of Sun, Moon, Mercury and the Solar Eclipse. That is a lot of Gemini energy!
June 14 - Saturn at 13 degrees Aquarius squares Uranus at 13 degrees Taurus (2nd exact square of 3)
These two have been butting heads all year - Radical Progressive energy squares off with rebellion in traditional ranks. Time for something completely different. So we won't be surprised, but on this second square, but we may determine it is time to do something about it.
June 20 - Jupiter goes Retrograde
Time to get real with our beliefs.
June 23 - Mercury Stations Direct
Communications normalize (a bit).
June 25 - Neptune goes Retrograde
Check out dreams, messages and intuition for insights.