With today’s inauguration, have we moved from a democracy to a plutocracy? Plutocracy is rule by the wealthy. Oligarchy is rule by a few. Democracy, as Abraham Lincoln said from the Gettysburg battlefield,is rule by the people, of the people and for the people.
In today’s inauguration, the optics say it all. After a Populist campaign (with Trump slinging French fries at McDonalds, no less, the MAGA base is shut out of their expensive tickets to sit outside the inauguration as Trump and his wealthy backers - Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerber, etc., sit near Trump on the warm inside. His backers are out in the cold, figuratively and literally.
It is as though Trump has become the embodiment of Pluto and the plutocracy. Transiting Pluto is conjunct the sun of the inauguration chart. Both are opposing retrograde Mars in Cancer. A retrograde Mars is a good way to describe Trump’s anger and aggression toward past enemies..
Trump is expected to start his administration with a sheaf of executive orders. Executive orders carry the force of laws, providing top level guidance on how the law should be enforced. Only Congress has the authority to make laws, but the EO’s can direct how those laws should be executed. Franklin Roosevelt interned Japanese Americans with an Executive Order.
These orders can face stiff legal challenges and can be overturned by the next administration. A signing desk was set up for the signing of Executive Orders on the stage of the inauguration. Many will be challenged in court. The Department of Governmental Efficiency headed by Elon Musk and Vivek Ramiswamy is already facing a legal challenge for not having a balanced roster of committee members.
Uranus, in myth the God of Earthquakes and Thunderbolts, is in the first house of the inauguration chart. It reminds me of Trump’s stated desire to use shock and awe on his first day in office. The tectonic plates are definitely shifting. In Trump’s natal chart, Uranus at 23 Taurus is conjunct his MC - his most public point. It is an unstable, chaotIc energy, and it characterizes his method of governance.
The Sun of Israel's chart is at 23 degrees Uranus. On the date of the Hamas raid in October, 2023, Uranus was transiting Israel’s sun at 23 Taurus. Now, Uranus has moved back to its position on Israel’s sun, and we have a new development…the temporary truce and humanitarian aid on Sunday, January 19, 2025.