Astrology for the week of May 1 - May 7, 2023

Beginning on May 1, Pluto, at 0 degrees Aquarius, will stand still before changing direction to retrograde on May 5. A planet is most powerful when it stands still, and the fact that Pluto is going to go retrograde means it will literally be going back over old ground. Pluto uncovers that which has been hidden and brings it to the surface where it can be dealt with. Pluto also deals with power, , issues of trust and matters of a sexual nature. Keep all that in mind as the trial of Jean Carroll's 1990 something rape trial goes to court. It certainly won't be the only manifestation, but it does fit the bill.
Also underscoring the theme of looking back to review, revise and edit the past, is the current Mercury (communication) retrograde (again, covering ground that had previously been gone over). Mercury is going to be cazimi this week - in the heart of the Taurus Sun. The symbolism here is that the Sun represents Executive Leadership and holds Mercury, now retrograde, in its very heart. So, once again, we will secrets uncovered concerning those in power.
It is no accident that Biden and Trump are declared candidates for the Presidency or that those secret intelligence papers were released during this time. Also, Tucker Carlson's departure from Fox News also happened at a time when Pluto is in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus. The mercury retrograde was probably a trigger for these events.
On Friday, we will have a lunar eclipse as the Moon becomes full in the sign Scorpio, opposite the Taurus Sun. Once again, the theme of uncovering secrets, sometimes of a sexual nature, is manifest. The North Node will be in Taurus; South Node in Scorpio, lending a fated feeling to the Full Moon/Eclipse. Time to let go of toxic relationship patterns, releasing what no longer serves us in the present.
Those who have planets in early degrees of the fixed signs Aquarius, Taurus, Leo and Scorpio or very late degrees of Capricorn, Aries, Cancer or Libra, may be most affected.