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Astrology for Tuesday, November 24

Time to move forward. Yesterday, the Biden transition team got to the go ahead signal from the GSA to receive funds for its transition work. Of particular interest is slowing the spread of COVID-19. Today, the energy of a new beginning is represented by the Moon in early degrees of Aries, headed for direct contact with Chiron, an asteroid that symbolizes a wound in need of healing. In Aries, we get energy from Aries ruler, Mars. But we also get issues of identity - who are we a a nation and what are our values?

Both issues are intertwined. how we address the need for healthcare during a pandemic is very central to our core values. Some feel healthcare is simply a human right, as it is in many industrialized western nation. Others believe healthcare should be rationed based on how wealthy you are. Others feel healthcare coverage should be tethered to employment - in a time when many have lost their jobs through no fault of their own.

Whatever happens, the pandemic has brought forward questions and possibilities that were unthinkable a year ago. Because we are in an unthinkable position.

For most of this year, we have been tested by a conjunction of Jupiter/Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. A mentor of mine. Steven Forrest, said this configuration implied the breakdown of structured power so that we can break through -to something new and more appropriate to our lives now. As Jupiter has pulled ahead of Pluto, steaming to its Great Convergence with Saturn in Aquarius December 20, we begin to move forward to see what the future will bring.

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