Astrology of Tuesday, April 21

As the Sun, our center, moves ever closer to unpredictable Uranus, in the financially, security oriented, nature-loving sign of Taurus, I can't help but think of a post I just saw of a new low in oil prices. Our old order, our institutions of wealth are all rooted in the fossil fuel industry. What could make us move away from the fossil fuel industry EXCEPT a crisis. As the EPA and other institutions have been decimated, the rape of Planet Earth continued in an unbridled grab for profits by big oligarchies. Drilling in the arctic, a resumption of deep water drilling even though the damage from Deepwater Horizon still affects wildlife today. An unpredictable set of circumstances will be unleashed tomorrow under the light of the new moon. Maybe the Taurus earth sign, so intertwined with both the financial sectors and planet earth, have said enough! Time for a pause and a redirection, because we are killing our planet.
Astrologically, these forces of change - S/Uranus in Taurus are in great tension with the current powers that be. Something has to give!