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Astrology for June 23 - 26

If this is June, 2021, then it is an eventful astrological time - and it is June! This month has seen so many important planetary movements. Today will mark another one. Mercury lumbers around from retrograde motion to station and go direct. We may have a few hiccups until Mercury passes the point at which it began to retrograde, but that will be taken care of on July 7.

Old lovers often come back into our life on the retrograde, but leave just as soon as the retrograde ends. If you have sent out job inquiries during the retrograde, they may not pan out and have to be re-sent. What is done on the retrograde is often not the last word on the subject. Mercury will stay in direct motion until September 27, ending its retrograde run for the fall on October 19. Phew!

The Cancer Full Moon happens Thursday. The Sun will be in Cancer, and the Moon will be in its opposite sign, Capricorn. This full moon will have a heavy dose of optimism and faith, a much needed boost, as it will be sextiled (supported) by Jupiter in Pisces (retrograde).

Events earlier in June indicated an old cycle is ending and a new one beginning. With Sun in Cancer, we must know who we are on the inside before showing it to the outer world (Capricorn moon). Jupiter being retrograde indicates we may draw on our faith and optimism to deal with a long standing issue that has prevented our expansion.

On Saturday, Neptune will join Saturn and Pluto in their retrograde motion. Uranus will go retrograde, too, but not until August. All this backward motion indicates there is an issue that will surface again. We have not fully dealt with it yet. By the end of the summer, all the heavy hitting outer planets will be retrograde, indicating a societal shift, perhaps.

For individuals, the message is something is beginning, but we must deal with our old garbage first, become who we want to be, and then we can take ourselves to the public arena with renewed confidence!


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