Astrology of Thursday, February 20
A relationship is struggling with the old ways of doing things. Changes must be made. A new paradigm for living is on the menu, and itadheres tightly to ethics and principles. At least, that is one response. Or old authorities and principles can be clung to, long past their expiration date. Do not gloss over the facts or get confused, make sure actions and words match. If you are feeling confused, something issnot yet right.
It is easy under these influences to give in to physical ailments, a virus or a cold - maybe you need some time in isolation to review, revise and meditate a new vision. Dream a good dream. Whatever longings you have are synchronistically likely to appear in the form of another person or a new twist in an existing relationship.
None of this would probably be happening if something new, unforseen and perhaps upsetting ,had not occurred, forcing change in its wake.