Astrology of Monday, March 23
In astrology, every planet has a dark and a bright face. We humans have free will, and that means the stars inform us, they form a picture of what is possible, but we choose to express that bright or dark side. That is certainly true during the current crisis.
The Sun has currently moved into the sign Aries, and tomorrow begins the growth cycle of the new moon. But today, we are still in the dark phase of the moon; reviewing the loose ends of the past.
Much indicates that there will be a propping up of the old authorities as evidenced by Mitch McConnell's attack on Democrats (a more Aquarian force) and the delay of help to those struggling with the economic effects of COVID-19. Democrats criticize the bill as too generous to corporations (Capricorn) and too stingy to individuals.
As the Moon moves into Aquarian territory, alongside Saturn, there is the possibility that the people will rebel and demand action. Or people can choose to detach and ignore. That is a choice.
It is also a choice with Sun, Chiron and Eris, to focus on one's self - the video of the woman buying ALL the paper towels and toilet paper at a Costco come to mind. That is the height of selfishness in Aries. Or we can choose to focus on who we are going to be - what values do we hold, and does that include sharing with our neighbor? Eris is in Aries and she likes to win, but even more, she like to see someone else lose. Is that who we want to be?
We are still essentially leaderless, with Neptune spreading its cloak of distance and invisibility - and deceptions around the head of government. That is the dark face. The bright face would be leadership that inspires us to compassionate action. It is a choice.
Opportunity exists - the dark face to spread the virus rapidly. The bright face is to use principled action to use the opportunity to slow the virus down. It all comes down to what choices are made on an individual level. Who will we be?