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Astrology of Sunday, April 19

People are figuring out what they need to do - in a very individualistic way, not dependent on the traditional authorities telling them what to do. They rely heavily on facts, their own curiosity and initiative. Their viewpoints are often informed by whatever media they choose - and this is as true as listeners to FOX and to CNN. God forbid you are listening to quacks like Alex Jones. That doesn't help!

Right now, people are slow to act, perhaps, but that is edging toward changing - especially on the new moon this Wednesday, April 22 when we have a new moon in Taurus. Action commences on the waxing new moon. It bears fruit and the end result of those actions are visible around May 6 at the Full Moon.

From Monday, April 20 to Tuesday, April 28, the moon will hover around the chaotic, unexpected and restless Uranus currently transiting Taurus. In that time, people may find unexpected, individual (not group) but practical ways of adapting to changing circumstances. They may simply declare a new normal or a state of revolution and demand fairer wages, more healthcare, etc.

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