Astrology of Tuesday, June 30
This is a restless period, with the Moon in Scorpio opposing the wild card planet, Uranus in Taurus. The Moon being in Scorpio, there is...
Astrology of Monday, June 29
What are you loyal to even if it is no longer in your best interest? How does your sense of loyalty and steadfastness (Vesta in Cancer)...
Astrology of Sunday, June 28
Let's talk about ego and actions vs. love, compassion and healing. As the Sun in Cancer moves away from the karmic north node in Gemini,...
Astrology of Saturday, June 27
Today we walk a threshold between the old and new. And we have an opportunity, with today's energy, to strike the correct balance...
Astrology of Friday, June 26
Today can be a very creative time to put new ideas into action. The Moon is in Virgo, opposing the slippery god of the deep, Neptune. ...
Astrology of Thursday, June 25
This is a significant day. Venus in Gemini is going direct today and leaving her period of retrograde motion behind. If an old lover or...
Astrology of Wednesday, June 24
Today, sobriety and stability is valued (Venus in Gemini trine Saturn) as emotions are heightened (Moon in Leo) as events take place...
Astrology of Tuesday, June 23
Today, the Moon is in Leo, opposing new ideas and new traditions (Saturn in Aquarius and the asteroid Pallas Athene in Aquarius) and...
Astrology of Monday, June 22
Mercury in Cancer is opposing Pluto/Jupiter in Capricorn, lending an emotional, perhaps obsessive note to your communication. Cancer...
Astrology of Sunday, June 21
Happy Father's Day in the time of masks and social distancing! It is more than Father's Day! It is also the day of the new moon and a...