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Astrology of Friday, July 10

Today, we build on the dreams we dreamed yesterday and move toward acting on them. (Moon in Pisces is moving away from Neptune in Pisces and toward Mars in Aries). Our actions and thoughts may lead to correcting the long shadow of the past - our own past or the collective shadow. Most likely, both. The stars inform us about the collective and the personal. We all live under one sky, after all. Any set of aspects between planets will have a meaning for both - the whole and the personal. How relevant it is to us depends on whether or not we have personal planets affected by the sky at the moment.

Shortly after the Moon in Pisces moves into Aries and contacts Mars in Aries, it will meet Chiron in Aries. Chiron brings in the element of healing. Where is our wound, and how do we heal it? How do we help others to heal?

Venus in Gemini is trine Saturn in Capricorn - an invitation, again, to look at our shadow and define new and more realistic ways to define ourselves - and invite others in to institutions of power. We are in a period where many planets are retrograde and the Moon itself is in a thoughtful phase. Think about the past and envision new ways to define who we are.

Certainly, world events fit this picture pretty easily. Black Lives Matter, a global movement, is redefining who we are and how we go forward. The pandemic also demands a redefinition. In both cases, individual actions and philosophy are a key part of how we choose to respond. Our own spirituality is what must be decided. Who are we? And how do we choose to act?

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