Astrology of Tuesday, August 25
The Moon has just entered the philosophical, adventurous and optimistic sign of Sagittarius. Right now, the transiting south node is in Sagittarius today. The south nodes favors the past and, right on time, we have the GOP convention taking place.
The moon favors institutions of conservative power (Moon in Sagittarius sextile Saturn in Capricorn). Mercury in Virgo is opposite Neptune In Pisces. Factual transmission of data (Mercury) is opposite the sleight of hand planet, Neptune, strong in its own sign of Pisces. Mercury is also part of a grand trine involving Mercury in Virgo, Uranus in Taurus and Jupiter in Capricorn. Expect some unexpected things to surface. I don't expect the convention to be abstract; it will concentrate on tangible results of the past (not the future).
Uranus in Taurus, having a financial face in Taurus, may have a relationship to exposure of Trump's tax returns. But in many ways, this daily chart favors conservative power.
Sun in Virgo has a strong connection has a strong connection to Mars in.Aries - there is plenty of anger to go around. Mars will enter its own "shadow" degrees - space it will enter during the retrograde/shadow period. Mars in Aries will be retrograde in earnest from September 9 til the inauguration.