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Astrology of Thursday, September 24

We are living in a very Mars/Eris/Lilith in Aries moment. Mars is a God of Warfare. Eris is his sister in mythology and not someone you'd NOT want to meet in a dark alley. Lilith is an independent woman. Dark and fiercely independent energies are abroad, but do not abandon yourself to fear or anger or violence. There are other ways.

Mars is a warrior. He may be afraid, but he is willing to take a stand and stand firm. That is courage. Eris is much happier when she has a say in the workings of power, so give her a seat at the table! Lilith - well, Lilith reminds me a bit of the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg - independent and feisty. Be she ever so nice, ultimately, she will do things as she wishes.

For ages, politicians have exploited and manipulated us by our fear and desire for safety and security, Yes, we want those things, but we don't need to incarcerate everyone and bully other less developed countries to have it. People are less inclined to act badly when they have work, they aren't out of work and they have what they need. There is strength in compassion.

We do not need to accept a bully at home. Stand up, have courage! Being angry alone isn't enough. Mars needs to act. Since Mars is retrograde, we should be looking carefully at our own actions as well as what makes us angry.

Do not forget that over 200,000 of us are DEAD and that there were a lot of lies, but little leadership in addressing the pandemic. The recorded cries of children - some babies - separated from their mothers keeps ringing in my ears. Lives ruined or gone too soon. I know what make me angry.

This is a very karmic moment. The nodes of the moon in Gemini/Sagittarius are square the planet Neptune in Pisces. Instability is in the air. This is a time when change can happen. It also means that we can express our highest principles of compassion or descend into conspiracy fantasies or fall for propoganda.

What will you do this fall to make the world a better place?

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