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Astrology for Thursday, October 29

There is a Side A and a Side B to every aspect. Looking at today's stars, let's look at two perspectives. Today, the Moon is in Aries, sitting between Chiron and Mars in Aries. In a mundane chart, the Moon pictures the will of the people. It doesn't take much imagination to see that people are in pain and they are angry. That aspect is square Jupiter/Pluto/Saturn in Capricorn - the anger is directed at those in power. No stimulus deal is on the way to bail people out - at least until after the election. At the same time, Mercury in Libra is squaring those planets in Capricorn. A lot of scrutiny is being directed to those in power. Mercury also describes journalists. Not everyone is tuned into Fox News, and there are many journalists who are leading the criticism of the current administration. At the same time, Sun in Scorpio is opposing Uranus in Taurus, an unstable placement for personal finances and financial systems. Needs are not being met, and the natives are restless!

Looking at it from another perspective, conservatives described by the Capricorn planets are square Mercury in Libra, may feel the media is very hard on them. Faced with the anger of the masses, they may feel unjustly criticized. As for the Sun in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus, the Sun can be the leader. Trump has said he is faced with unexpected, unheard of circumstances that have taken the economy down.

Venus in Virgo is enabling the Capricorn planets which are sextile to illusion/delusion Neptune. Neptune can be very deceiving, and I believe the sextile shows how much they use lies, spin and gaslighting to shore themselves up.

Chiron is in Aries - a crisis in identity for the nation. That line Biden uses about battling for the soul of the nation? Yes. I see it in the stars. Time to decide who we are going to be.

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