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Astrology for Wednesday, November 4

Election Day has passed, and as of this writing, I don't know even a projected winner. The astrology for November 4 shows the formation of a trapeze aspect - one trine, one sextile and two squares. It is an aspect that denotes struggle. To get the best of it, one must choose a clear path. Well, easier said than done!

Early on, the Moon, an indicator of the feelings of the public is trine Mercury in Scorpio. Mercury is the planet I would think describes a vote counter. In Scorpio, the counting is serious and thorough. The trine shows this is what most people want.

The Moon begins the day in Gemini, in itself a good omen for scientific and logical decision making. Additionally, the Moon is still near the north node - our future direction. To me, it seems to describe a scientific, logical, reportorial bent that is alien to the current administration. Again, the node indicates that what has been sown shall be reaped. Both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris are enjoying nodal returns. Both will reap the rewards of what they have sown.

The Moon in Gemini is square Neptune in Pisces; the conservative power trio - Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn sextiles Neptune in Pisces. The people seek truth and exposure of confusion; the power planets are going to use the deceptive qualities of Neptune to do some spin and gaslighting.

The t-square involving Mercury in Scorpio square the conservative power planets in Capricorn - the vote may not look good for them - and the power planets in turn square Mars in Aries. Mars is actions and anger. The t-square does not look good for conservative forces.

Venus in Libra and Mars in Aries are opposite one another. When that energy is used for a sexual union, it can be exciting, but if it is consumed in sexuality, this can be quite discordant.

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