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Astrology for Monday and Tuesday, August 2 & 3

Struggle is apparent in the charts for August 2 and 3. I thought of the pandemic and the rising cases due to the raging infections due to the Delta Covid variant.

The Moon is in Gemini conjunct the North Node in Gemini, so there is a "meant to be" feeling about paying attention to scientific fact (Gemini). The Moon is in conflict with Venus, the planet of relationships (Venus in Virgo) and moves into a conflict with Neptune in Pisces tomorrow (Isolation and infection).

Venus in Virgo (medical personnel) is drawing ever closer to an opposition with Neptune in Pisces (hospitals). We will continue for a time to see an escalation in cases. Although the problems are seen clearly (opposition effect), there is a sense of hopelessness, anxiety and burnout by medical personnel who have experienced this all before. For many, there is a sense that this time, cases were completely preventable had people taken advantage of the vaccines. Neptune in Pisces opposite Venus in Virgo can mean gaslighting on the Pisces end is really confusing to the discriminating mind of Virgo.

Saturn in Aquarius (responsibility) is opposed to Sun/Mercury in Leo, speaking to the difficulty people are having curbing their personal freedom to resume masking to benefit society. Both the Sun and Saturn are square Uranus in Taurus, making the response to requests to mask up totally unexpected. Uranus really ramps up the individual freedom nature of the response to resuming precautions.

Mars in Virgo (healthy actions) is also opposed to Jupiter in Aquarius (freedom) and that speaks to the struggle people are experiencing in coordinating freedom. healthy behavior and ethics.

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