Astrology for Thursday, November 12
The aspect that has hung over this wild ride of a year is Jupiter/Pluto/Saturn in Capricorn. That point in Capricorn is square the Moon and Venus in Libra today and Eris in Aries. The missing Cardinal point is this line up is Cancer, and Cancer will therefore point to a resolution of the conflict it implies. The sabian symbol for 22 degrees Cancer is "A Woman Awaits a Sailboat" and for 23 Cancer "A meeting of a literary society." Both make
me laugh. We are certainly waiting, waiting, waiting for our ship to come in and a decision to dock at our pier! Small groups are counting votes!
Shape shifting Neptune in Pisces is inconjunct Venus and the Moon. Not everything is as it appears to be. Deception is in the air. If this is affecting you personally, trust your intuition more than your logic, but keep an eagle eye out that you are not being duped by someone's behavior. This is true on a national level, too. The confusion about who won the election is a deception. It is an effort to delegitimize a democratic institution - the vote.