Astrology for Sunday, December 20
Saturn and Jupiter are both in Aquarius today, ready to begin a new cycle in the history of humanity. Saturn signifies an end. Jupiter...
Astrology for Saturday, December 19
Shocking breaches of our national security (Uranus in Taurus) causes our allies to take another look at us (Uranus inconjunct Venus and...
Astrology for Friday, December 18
The Moon is in Aquarius today. A sign of big, revolutionary new ideas, that can benefit humanity. Aquarius does not think small! ...
Astrology for Thursday, December 17
Saturn has moved into Aquarius. Jupiter, at 29 degrees Capricorn now, will follow shortly. On the Winter Solstice, December 21, both...
Astrology of Wednesday, December 16
In my LeNormand Tarot deck, the scythe card looks a lot like the sickle of Father Time (Saturn at 29 degrees Capricorn), associated with...
Astrology for Tuesday, December 15
Whew! The moon has moved into pragmatic, definitive Capricorn. President-Elect Biden got the Electoral college seal of approval for his...
Astrology for Monday, December 14
Today is a lollapalooza from an astrological perspective. We have a Sagittarian new moon and a solar eclipse. Solar eclipses only...
Astrology for Saturday, December 12
With the Moon, Venus and Juno all in Scorpio, there is an intensity and passion about having relationships, being at home and being the...
Astrology for Friday, December 11
This is an unstable moment in time - the Nodes of the Moon - the North in Gemini and South in Sagittarius - are square Neptune in Pisces....
Astrology for Thursday, December 10
The Moon is in Libra today, part of a t-square of planets that indicate some view points that (surprise for readers of the news - yes,...