Astrology of Black Friday
Uncovering the reality behind the illusion may be a little disturbing to some. You might prefer to stay in the rosy covered glow that is...
Astrology of Thanksgiving, 2019
Happy Thanksgiving to you and all your loved ones! And to those who are alone today, or in difficult circumstances, a special thought...
Astrology of Wednesday, November 27
Yesterday, the moon was new in sunny, optimistic, hopeful Sagittarius. This starts a new cycle that will last about 14 days until the...
Astrology of Monday, November 25
The quality of mercy is not strained today, as the Bible says. Kindness, gentleness and compassion are all on your mind, and your...
Astrology of November 24
If you are spending time with family today, be aware of how you use your energy. It can manifest as anger or assertiveness. It is...
Astrology of Saturday, November 23
Will words and actions meet the light of truth today? The people, and that includes you, are very concerned with social justice, overall...
Astrology of Friday, November 22
The parallel between world events and the chart of the day is so strong, I feel compelled to comment on it. In a sense, the stars are...
Astrology of Thursday, November 21
Today is a notable day, if for no other reason thanMercury is ending its backward, or retrograde momentum. The planet is lumbering...
Astrology of Wednesday, November 20
This day has a lot going for it. It is rooted in practicality, discrimination, service, health. The stuff of every day life benefits by...
Astrology of November 19
This is a good day to appeal to the softer side of those who are in charge - elders or bosses. For a few more hours, the Moon is in...