Astrology of Monday, February 10
Unexpected opportunities arise, particularly where intuition, women, family and real estate are concerned. Maybe you think something...

Astrology of Sunday, February 9
Can you see it? Whatever began mid January, you have an opportunity to examine it critically, reviewing and editing. Finally, actions...

Astrology of Saturday, February 8
Tomorrow afternoon will be the full moon, a time of seeing clearly projects begun about 2 weeks ago. So today is a good time to initiate...

Astrology of Friday, February 7
The sky displays some turmoil for nearly every sign as we begin to turn this lumbering big ship around. While action will be required,...

Astrology of Thursday, February 6
Gentlemen, listen to your ladies. They may be a touch more in tune with the times than you are. Although you are definitely starting to...

Astrology of Monday, February 3
Some progress is being made in organizing as a couple to get things done. Reason an intuition are better bedfellows, too. Your feelings...

Astrology of Sunday, February 2
This is a great day for a project. Working hard and taking advantage of opportunities that arise from the elders in your world can...

Astrology of February 1
Emotional wildcards, often involving financial resources, are talked about today. It may be an unexpected situation. It may involve the...

The Art of Prediction: Understanding Progressions and Transits
ASTROLOGY OF PREDICTION Sunday, February 23, 2020 Mystic Valley 12 - 3 pm Cost: $45 Predictive Astrology can herald opportunities as...

Feng Shui for Love and Romance
Why not use all the tools in your metaphysical arsenal to work to achieve the relationships you want? Feng shui can empower your space...